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Anna Beaudin (UC Merced)

Gross Hall 4th Floor, Thorp Conf Room

Title: Unraveling layered immunity: how perturbation of developmental hematopoiesis shapes disease susceptibility

Host: Matt Inlay

Ashley Wolf (Wash U)

Nat Sci 2, room 4201 4201 Natural Sciences II, Irvine, CA, United States

Title: Bacterial metabolism and competition in the mammalian gut

Host: Katrine Whiteson and Andrea Tenner

Marco Jost (UCSF)

Nat Sci 2, room 4201 4201 Natural Sciences II, Irvine, CA, United States

Title: Harnessing CRISPR to dissect the molecular logic of host-microbiota interactions

Host: Katrine Whiteson and Andrea Tenner

Jordan Bisanz (UCSF)

Nat Sci 2, room 4201 4201 Natural Sciences II, Irvine, CA, United States

Title: Probing Microbial Functional Diversity in Human Health

Host: Katrine Whiteson and Andrea Tenner

Dequina Nicholas (UCSD)

Gross Hall 4th Floor, Thorp Conf Room

Title: Nutrient Sensing in the Pituitary: Mechanisms of Reproductive Hormone Secretion

Host: Melanie Cocco

Anthony Covarrubias (UCSF)

Nat Sci 2, room 4201 4201 Natural Sciences II, Irvine, CA, United States

Title: Mechanistic insight on how aging-related inflammation impacts NAD metabolism

Host: Melanie Cocco

David Barondeau (Texas A & M)

Nat Sci 1, Room 1114 1114 Natural Sciences I, Irvine, California

Title: Structural architecture and activity control mechanisms for the human iron-sulfur cluster biosynthetic complex

Host: Markus Ribbe and Yilin Hu

Ting Fu (Salk Inst, La Jolla)

Nat Sci 2, room 4201 4201 Natural Sciences II, Irvine, CA, United States

Title: Genetic, Dietary and microbial risk factors of intestinal diseases converged on bile acid-FXR axis.

Host: Melanie Cocco

Chris Halbrook (U Michigan)

Nat Sci 1, Room 1114 1114 Natural Sciences I, Irvine, California

Title: Metabolism Drives Therapy Resistance and Shapes Pancreatic Tumorigenesis

Host: Melanie Cocco

Ed Egelman (U Virgina)

Nat Sci 1, Room 1114 1114 Natural Sciences I, Irvine, California

Title: Cryo-EM of Helical Polymers at Near-Atomic Resolution Yields Surprises: From Microbial Nanowires to Indestructible Pili

Host: Allon Hochbaum